Why Organic SEO Works Better Than Paid Adverts

You want your website to appear as high as possible within a search engine - right?

It's easy to think that paying for an advert to be displayed within a search engine will be a shortcut to success - after all, those advertisements appear at the top of the page don't they?

Pay Per Click or PPC is a popular way of achieving this and it seems like an easy way to get results...

...but PPC is not search engine optimisation (SEO), despite what some will have you believe - it is just paid advertising.

To get more traffic and your website to the top, you need a successful SEO strategy. It takes more work, time and effort, but the results are much more sustainable.

Consider this:

However, 72% of small business owners spend more money on PPC ads than SEO!

It doesn't make any sense, but the facts speak for themselves. That is not to say that PPC doesn't have a role - it can be useful if you are a new business or you want to promote a particular product - however, it is no substitute for good SEO.

SEO - Google Adopting a More Gradual Rollout

Having initially scheduled a May 2021 implementation, Google has recently announced that its page experience ranking changes will now begin rollout from mid-June, becoming fully live at the end of August.

This is a welcome opportunity for more time for necessary adjustments to be made for a better page experience.

Google is determined to improve the user experience and its new algorithm will place greater emphasis upon three aspects of the user experience known as Core Web Values (CWV). These consist of Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - which measures perceived page load speed, First Input Delay (FID) - which looks at load responsiveness, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) that measures visual stability.

So, what does this mean?

It means that your website needs to load pretty quick, is usable on a range of devices and doesn't keep shifting around when parts of the content are loading.

A slow-loading website may significantly impact upon your rankings.

Want to test your website out? Then you can here.

Google wants to ensure that all users have a good page experience, so websites that are poorly coded, or not well laid out, will also fall in ranking.

The page experience is defined by Google as 'a set of signals that measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page beyond its pure information'.

More information can be found here.